Once again, I found a very interesting truth about life, while talking to a woman in development. Altough it might be obvious to some of you, being sad and anxious as a teen, is a natural phase in the life of a human. Anger comes later, or right after this famous teen-angst, you see the pattern of phases on the flipside of life, which is death and dealing with the inevitable conclusion of existence as you and others know it now.
What I mean, is that people deal with death throughout their entire lives. And as some of you know, it is dealt with in stages. Dealing with death long-term does not follow the popular and often cited Kübler-Ross model, but the main types of the phases are strongly present however. I myself don't know exactly how to react to such revelatory introspection.
I could say, once again, that life is too short and absurd to honestly hate or have a distaste for, even though there are high and low points, such is life and you should live it up while it lasts.
Not that I support wholesale hedonism and anarchy as a lifestyle but you have to bend the rules a bit, make yourself fit and that's it. Meaning of life, I suppose.
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