I had a falling out the other day, with a dolt who came to me with great chalance, claiming that he was right. I responded to this vulgar display of idiocy with equal rude presentation of opinion, asking him to prove himself right, which he -much to my delight- did not do. He presented me evidence, linking me sites that also had the wrong info and in conjuncture further proved his lack of wit.
"If it's on the internet it has to be true!", this was the case our friend, the oafish cretin was defending, even though he would not admit to this, it was clear to anyone that this is how he felt.
I proved him wrong in the end, but still he insisted to claim the moral high ground and said that I was greatly irritated and that I conducted myself inappropriately, to which I responded "I might be mad, but I'm right"
Sometimes I wish I could strangle people like him.
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