keskiviikko 28. huhtikuuta 2010

Common sense?

The ten commandments

Is there such a thing as a universal code of rules which everyone in a society like ours should be taught to adhere to?

It is boiled down in to a matter of perspective considering the modern society mentioned in the question, there are many such codes of conduct riddled all across world history from laws to divine instructions.

Unfortunately most of these laws and commandments have been enforced through much higher authorities than man could ever posess, such as God or spirits of generations long past, unfortunate because one would like to paint a beautiful picture of mankind being good in nature by default. This is sadly not the case onehundred percent of the time, thus we come up with laws and commandments to keep our pack from disintegrating to a worldwide brawl and a nest for anarchy.

The matter of perspective mentioned earlier is squeezed into one question though; do we want to preserve our way of life and flooding our habitats with more humans or start a trend of cutting down overpopulation through war and cold-blooded murder everywhere?

I for one live by the rules and would like to see others have the common courtesy to do so as well (but sometimes it's good to bend a few rules though).

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